Interesting blog you got here. It would be great to read more concerning that topic. The only thing that blog needs is some pics of any devices. Katherine Karver Phone jammer
Interesting story as for me. It would be great to read something more about that topic. The only thing your blog misses is a few pictures of any gizmos. David Watcerson Cell jammer
Field Test Display, Field Test Mode, Engineering Mode, NetMon, NetMonitor, Net Monitor, FTD, Field Test. All the terms refer to cell information display by cellular phone. Normally the information is hidden to normal users. Here you can find the method of activating the field test mode of different phones.
Interesting blog you got here. It would be great to read more concerning that topic. The only thing that blog needs is some pics of any devices.
Katherine Karver
Phone jammer
Interesting story as for me. It would be great to read something more about that topic. The only thing your blog misses is a few pictures of any gizmos.
David Watcerson
Cell jammer
Uh Yeah dude You were correct when you said you had no idea what any of that was
God blesss
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